

AG亚游集团官方网站 invites you to join us in our 关爱教师运动, 现在是情人节. Please consider making a donation from your heart. 

You may remember AG亚游集团官方网站 Teach-A-Thon. More than 3,000 business people discovered teaching is hard. 现在有了COVID,教师们正在这样做 两次 像以前一样帮助孩子们成功!

今天, 在大流行的这个阶段, AG亚游集团官方网站老师同时教两组学生——一半在教室上课,一半在家学习. Plus, teachers are coping with the constant uncertainty of quarantines as students become sick.

老师们正在打扫自己的教室, 他们正在研究如何给每个学生提供自己的一套用品,因为COVID阻止了共享. With three quarters (3/4) of our Miami-Dade students on federal aid, teachers are not only managing stressful environments, 他们也在买单.

We ask you to join us in supporting our teachers. You can be an integral part of our 关爱教师运动 by making a donation from your heart.




*To make a donation by ACH or Wire Transfer, please contact Mimi Pink at 305-331-4906.


参与 老师冠军

We thank these early Champions who jumped on board to help Teachers!

我是Julie Balzano,我是MarineMax
Carolyn Guerra,道明银行
Karla Hernandez-Mats, United Teachers of Dade
欧内斯特·P. 小Modock., Ford Motor Company/Autonomous Vehicles, LLC
Ralph Pagano, Naked Taco 
Darrell Payne, Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson P.A.
巴勃罗·J. 皮诺,道明银行
Rachel Pinzur, Pinzur通讯公司
赫克托耳J. 庞特,富国银行
Joseph Roisman,公民领袖
尼克·图特尔,考夫曼·罗辛公司 & Co. P.A.
凡妮莎米. 瓦利,海厄利亚花园高中
Randi Wolfson, Lynn and Louis Wolfson II Family Foundation

To sign up or get more information, please 联系Christy Jacomino电话:786-714-0139或 cjacomino@bomabearing.com.




  • With your support, AG亚游集团官方网站 will receive up to 200万美元的免费 school supplies to distribute to teachers and their students.
  • Your role is to help us raise up to $500K to cover shipping and other costs.
  • 多么大的投资啊——1/ 200万美元变成了2美元.5MM. 
  • 从今天开始,每一笔捐款都会帮助AG亚游集团官方网站每周向教师提供教学用品!
  • 当你捐款时, 你将有机会向老师发送个人的“感谢”便条来表达你的感激之情——这些便条将每周与老师分享,以帮助他们照亮他们的生活.
  • When the campaign concludes on Valentine's Day, 我们将用所有的笔记来创建一个巨大的情人节活动,以提高我们所有老师的精神.

我们希望你能加入我们. 让我们向老师们表达AG亚游集团官方网站关心. 您的捐款将帮助我们为教师提供教学用品,使他们能够教育我们最需要帮助的学生. Help teachers and students and parents succeed!

For more information about the 关爱教师运动 or how to be a Teacher Champion, 联系Christy Jacomino电话:786-714-0139或 cjacomino@bomabearing.com